My Daily Design Routine

Kunal Saini
3 min readApr 19, 2020

Early Morning: Wake-up at 7:00 am read a medium article daily and take a coffee start thinking unique which is helpful for the designer. I have learned new ideas from some good domain-like: Behance, Dribble, take inspirations from good product those are going very well in the market. I am trying to build a design community which helps to other beginner designs.

Office time: I am working in a start-up company and our work time is very flexible and we believe in self-life it's really important to give time for yourself because we think work quality comes out in good time management. So I did check my daily mail and slack chat or Jira board which helps me to add my task for daily updates and making the time frame according to work priority and update my work on Jira-board and slack end of the day with product manager and DevOps. we already share the document with each other and we explain about our basic domain if the problem is basic so can resolve with waiting there time. So this is our best practice to learn with each other.

Design Process with a team member: In my 3 years of experience I have done my work with stakeholder, Product manager, CTO this three of them they help with do best in your work. I never to try work with my same domain member because the company believe one designer can make a change in a world easily. what I think if we work with the same domain member it's helpful to prevent more ideas on a table. So when I work with three of them than first I understand the process of there work and take a task in there work it's helpful for me to understand their empathy to work with him/her. At the beginning of my career. I have faced a lot's of a problem with them. So when you are creating any product so you should ask about there process and thinking and how they are done there past projects. Which is helpful to work with them in any project.

Point 1: Don't cut short the process which is relevant for your product. because process man makes perfect and helpful for a future project.

Point 2: Make priority according to the task and first take a difficult task because you have time in the beginning to give the best output.

Point 3: Don't do the design directly on the software because you can't think much more or unique in front of a computer you have the internet to copy from there and memory will be lost. So use a pencil and paper which is faster to do and make more unique comes from your brain according to the product branding. if the manager says use software so what you can do a printout of your sketch paper and colour on it this will be giving the same experience.

Follow this Process I believe you get good output in your daily design process.

See me Portfolio take inspiration from here.

Here my latest Portfolio check it:

