What can I do to increase my freelance business on Fiverr?

Kunal Saini
2 min readApr 29, 2020

Point 1. when I started my business on Fiverr I haven't any idea how to get clients and how I reached out on this platform through my friend. My friend recommend me to use this platform here you get real money and real client here you can make more money but you have to give more effort. So I am ok with giving my best then, I start to create one gig just as a random to see what result will come out but I saw the next day no any result came out. My attention breaks out.


Point 2. My friend said you should have to boost your gig on a social platform from there you can get more reach on your gig but this is helpful for some time not getting more client from there. I have reduced my gig amount and deliver got service and I have got good reviews from my client they happy to work with me.


Point 3. How can I improve my gig I have seen lot's of problem like sometimes people came and ask the question then back out from my chat without giving an answer or communication is not on time Fiverr should send an auto-message from seller side to buyer it will help us to continue communication between both of them.


Help me on to solve this issue and right now a whole world which is a coronavirus not getting any business.

